Thursday, February 16, 2012

I have a Samsung Fascinate from Verizon. How do I get my downloaded ringtones to my Notification ringtones.?

I have a Samsung Fascinate from Verizon. How do I move my downloaded ringtones over to the Notification ringtones? I did it once before, but I can not remember to save my life. Thank you.I have a Samsung Fascinate from Verizon. How do I get my downloaded ringtones to my Notification ringtones.?
just use a FREE site called Ventones

to download or make any ringtone you want

its the best of all the sitesI have a Samsung Fascinate from Verizon. How do I get my downloaded ringtones to my Notification ringtones.?
There are many apps you can use to download %26amp; create ring tones. Just search the apps on the market. When you download them they'll automatically be stored in your ringtone section %26amp; you can use them when people call!

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